User Testing of Thumbnail for YouTube video about Sleeping

Quick Quantitative Research

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The only way to make sure you stand out on YouTube to get the users attention is through data driven research prior to writing a script and recording the video. It starts with a Thumbnail followed by a Title and then writing the script for the first 5 seconds, then 30 seconds. After gaining the users attention and their decision to keep on watching. You do not have to pay as much attention to the rest of the video. The User research was done for the category of being Tired. Through reading about what works the best on the internet with written text. The conclusion is “How to ….” or “How I …. “ statements works the best for reactions and interactions.

Then next step was to do the data analysis on the word “Tired” which was done using TubeBuddy that is patched into Google search engine through API. The result for monthly searches was 3.18 Million monthly searches with competing Videos 30.8 Million. Average views 2.49 Million. The Title How I’m Never Tired gave insufficient data on monthly searches but with competing Videos 51.5Million and average views of 1.30 million


  • 6 women age range 13 - 78

  • 5 men age range 30 - 48

  • 6 Nationalities including Europe, Australia and India


After two versions of coloration was applied. One natural and one with more yellow coloration.

Image 1 with more Yellow

Image 2 with natural look.

The two images was then given to the users 50% image 1 first and 50% image 2 first.

Images was shown using iMessage, Signal and physically with testers iPhone.


Number of clicks

Image 1: 3 women 2 men = 5

Image 2: 2 woman 4 men = 6

There is a sight difference between the two images.

Discussion and suggestion

There is a slight difference in gender. Men more than women favour Image 2 and Women more than men favour Image 1.

Research shows that Humor has a positive impact on sleep and is used as a strategy to overcome negative emotions. We also know that women are 0.5 standard deviations higher than men in negative emotion. In egalitarian countries women’s mean value for neuroticism move higher which indicates that the most probable gender searching for information about sleep might be women. Though the more prevalent user on YouTube is men. Men are also more interoceptive than women mening their feedback loop works better for understanding something is wrong and needs correction.

Empathize: Design Thinking Process for Good UX Design